supportive environment

美 [səˈpɔːrtɪv ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt]英 [səˈpɔːtɪv ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt]
  • 支持性的环境
supportive environmentsupportive environment
  1. However , given a supportive environment , increasing levels of physical activity bring health benefits across age groups .


  2. The training management is supportive environment and process evaluation .


  3. How to create a supportive environment for training ?


  4. We aim to create a supportive environment and serve our employees well .


  5. By learning to deal with their problems directly in a safe and supportive environment .


  6. Dose that sound like a supportive environment ?


  7. They take time to teach you on an individual basis , creating a supportive environment .


  8. In a supportive environment of your peers , you can enhance your management skills .


  9. The supportive environment provided by a spiritual community is an integral part of the path .


  10. A conducive and supportive environment is needed to produce talent in the arts .


  11. Fourth , supportive environment of NCD control is lacked .


  12. It is unlikely to overcome the many substantial hurdles without a properly supportive environment .


  13. " Encouraging feedback " creates an affectively supportive environment for L2 learning ;


  14. During this process , a supportive environment that a school offers will play a positive role in promoting teacher reflection ability .


  15. Arkansas State university welcomes all international student and provides access to a high-quality education , in a caring and supportive environment .


  16. No , Cam , I-I don 't know if this is the most supportive environment for Lily to --


  17. She urges employers to provide a supportive environment in which sufferers can tell managers if there is a problem at home .


  18. The college provides quality education for a diverse range of students in a supportive environment where students are treated as individuals and developed as independent learners .


  19. Currently , software industry is in an urgent need of better technology and supportive environment to promote productivity and to meet the demand of the development of society .


  20. Rural cooperative finance needs the support of laws . The basic cooperative legislation is both the legal basis and the supportive environment of rural cooperative finance .


  21. Though many aspiring entrepreneurs still adore Silicon Valley , London is working to create its very own supportive environment for fledgling companies .


  22. If you nurture them in a supportive environment , your children will grow and learn at their own speed , and you can trust in that process .


  23. Some of the most basic human needs , such as a loving and supportive environment , good nutrition , exercise , rest , and relaxation , are sacrificed .


  24. Conclusions Health promotion model creating a supportive environment as a main strategy has achieved success in eliminating IDD in Fujian Province , which sets a good example for other province .


  25. The sustainable innovation ecological chain in the model has been discussed and a case has been given to analyze the interaction and cooperative mode among the entities as well as the supportive environment .


  26. He disputes the suggestion that the presence of women creates a more supportive environment , but says everyone feels free to challenge each other in an egalitarian way .


  27. Kowloon-Singapore Toastmasters Club provides a mutually supportive environment for the members to practice and improve their English communication skills , using the methodology of " learning by doing " .


  28. But if you are in a situation or a relationship in which you are always feeling like a victim , then you are not in a supportive environment . And it might be time to let go .


  29. Therefore , enthusiasm is one of my biggest strengths : it makes it easy for me to get on with anyone , to motivate people , and to create a fun and supportive environment around me .


  30. The solution of those problems not only needs the correct understanding of and supportive environment to international law and its studies , but also ultimately relies on the joint efforts of all people involved in the international law studies .
